If you attempt to log in with an incorrect password, you will be locked out of SoupedUp for 5 minutes after 4 failed attempts.
If the number of failed log in attempts from a provider site exceeds 10, no one at that site will be able to log in for 30 minutes.
If you require further assistance please contact us on 03 9543 4052 or
Forgot your password?
Your username and a new password will be sent to your email address.
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account has been disabled.
If this was a mistake, please click 'Accept' below to agree to our Terms and Conditions.
Your changes have not been saved. If you proceed, any changes will be lost.
Are you sure you want to reset the colors to default? You will lose previously saved color
There are Residents allocated to the BSz texture, so this texture cannot be removed.
Please generate the 'Texture Modified Foods' report to determine which residents are BSz
Acknowledgement of new Texture Framework
When converting to IDDSI standards, your residents' texture will automatically be mapped to the relevant IDDSI code as per the strictest definition.